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    21 November 2023

    Siobhan Cattigan: Quest for answers regarding Scotland forward’s passing must precede the grieving process for her family

    Scottish Rugby Apologizes for Handling of Siobhan Cattigan’s Death

    The family of Siobhan Cattigan is demanding answers regarding the death of the former Scotland forward, stating that they cannot begin to grieve until their questions are addressed. Scottish Rugby has acknowledged its failure in handling the situation and expressed remorse towards her family.

    Cattigan’s family believes that undetected brain damage caused by rugby led to her untimely demise. They have been critical of Scottish Rugby for not initiating an independent inquiry into the circumstances surrounding her death in 2021. The back row player had suffered two concussions while representing Scotland, and her family claims she did not receive adequate assistance for these brain injuries.

    In response to the allegations, Scottish Rugby and World Rugby are facing legal action from the Cattigan family. While describing Scottish Rugby’s previous approach as “shameful,” they commended new chairman John McGuigan for reaching out with integrity and humanity.

    During his speech at the Scottish Rugby annual meeting, McGuigan admitted that better management was required in this tragic situation and took responsibility for certain aspects related to Siobhan’s funeral arrangements. He apologized on behalf of Scottish Rugby for unintentionally causing distress to the grieving family.

    Some members of Cattigan’s team were unaware of her family’s wishes regarding their attendance at her funeral due to a lack of communication from Scottish Rugby.

    The Cattigans have accepted an invitation from the Scottish government to discuss differences in injury risk, prevention, and treatment between males and females. They also anticipate a productive meeting with the Crown Office.

    The statement from the family expressed gratitude towards everyone who has offered support and kept Siobhan’s memory alive, acknowledging that they still have a long road ahead of them.

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