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    26 November 2023

    CS2 gamers unanimously acknowledge that this incredibly precise firearm has become the dominant strategy

    Counter-Strike 2’s Shifting Pistol Meta – A Run-and-Gun Controversy

    In a surprising turn of events, the pistol meta in Counter-Strike 2 seems to be undergoing a controversial shift towards the run-and-gun trend. The once iconic USP-S is being overshadowed by its unexpected rival, the Glock-18.

    A recent post on Reddit sparked heated discussions among players who expressed their preference for keeping the Glock-18 over picking up the USP-S in pistol rounds. The reason? The Glock has proven to be “so good” according to one player. They admitted that while it may still make sense to pick up a dropped USP-S, they personally find more success with the reliable power of the Glock. This revelation led them to question what others in the CS2 community thought about this strategic choice.

    The responses varied, but ultimately many sided with those who shared similar sentiments as vector’s thoughts. One comment succinctly questioned why anyone would prefer anything other than a weapon with 20 bullets and excellent mobility when holding angles is no longer advantageous in CS2 due to recent changes that have boosted peeker’s advantage mechanic significantly.

    The strength of the Glock lies in its exceptional accuracy while running and gunning – an ability that has been further amplified by CS2’s update to headshot hitboxes. As such, players who favor an aggressive playstyle and thrive on eliminating enemies during pistol rounds find this versatile firearm perfect for their needs. Consequently, some argue that these factors heavily tilt pistol rounds in favor of terrorists.

    Contrastingly, CS:GO had established USP-S as its go-to meta pistol, with players often opting to hold angles and rely on precise crosshair placement to subdue opponents. While not unpopular in CS2, the Glock has emerged as a superior choice due to its ease of use when running and gunning, providing an advantage against USP-S users who may struggle to maintain their aim under such circumstances.

    However, it is worth noting that at higher ranks where players possess exceptional aiming skills, the Glock may not be considered a superior option when compared to more potent pistols like the USP-S or Desert Eagle. This point was raised by some contributors in the aforementioned Reddit thread.

    In conclusion, despite varying opinions on this matter, it is difficult to deny that the Glock-18 has established itself as one of the most powerful pistols in CS2 – if not THE most powerful. To maximize your efficiency and adaptability within this shifting pistol meta landscape, make sure you capitalize on wielding this formidable weapon during your games.

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