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    07 July 2023

    Fans are growing increasingly frustrated with the heavy emphasis on four-cost units in TFT Set 9

    TFT Set 9’s Launch: The Perplexing Four-Cost Unit Meta

    Since the launch of TFT Set 9, avid players have been facing a perplexing trend that seems to determine victory in their compositions. It appears that securing specific four-cost units is crucial for success, but here’s the catch – everyone else in the lobby wants them too!

    A Reddit thread from July 6 shed light on this phenomenon and discussed why rolling a four-cost unit early on is essential for finishing in the top four. As one user put it, if you fail to secure your desired unit, be prepared to settle for “6th-8th place.”

    The Power of Four-Cost Units

    As of July 6, several powerful traits heavily rely on carrying four-cost units. Traits like Challenger and Void depend on Kai’Sa, Strategist and Shurima rely on Azir, while Sorcerer and Demacia require Lux. These units have skyrocketed in popularity due to their strength and significance in achieving victory.

    For example, let’s take a look at the Void composition. Acquiring Kai’Sa is game-changing not only because she deals significant damage with her ability and crits often with Jeweled Gauntlet but also because having all other cheaper Void units grants access to the coveted Void 6 buff. This transforms a small Void Remora into a formidable Rift Herald. Even if you manage to obtain the Void Emblem, you still want to include Yasuo, another powerful four-cost unit that is crucial in Set 9 compositions.

    The Frustration and Dilemma

    However, the prevalence of these four-cost units has left many fans frustrated. By 4-1, players can already predict their fate depending on their luck or Augments. Some comments in the Reddit thread proposed exploring other options like Noxus with three-cost Darius. Nevertheless, acquiring Darius becomes more challenging as all players can roll into him early in the game.

    This dilemma puts players in a lose-lose situation as they find themselves disappointed by an issue that seems to have worsened compared to previous sets. As one Reddit user pointed out, “the four-cost lottery was already meta last set but it feels even worse this time.” Another echoed this sentiment by mentioning how carrying one or two costs with hero augments occasionally worked in the past.

    Hoping for Balance

    Given these frustrations and inconsistencies surrounding the four-cost unit meta, fans are eagerly awaiting the next patch from Riot Games’ TFT balance team. They hope that adjustments will be made to make gameplay more enjoyable and less reliant on securing specific high-value units. As one user expressed: “I’ll just wait for the new patch like 2 weeks from now.”


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