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    26 October 2023

    Manchester City takes action against two underage individuals for engaging in disrespectful chants following the passing of Sir Bobby Charlton

    Manchester City Bans Minors for “Vile Chanting” Following Sir Bobby Charlton’s Death


    In a shocking turn of events, Manchester City has taken swift action by banning two minors from attending home and away games. This comes after the individuals were involved in what can only be described as “vile chanting” following the recent passing of football legend Sir Bobby Charlton.

    The Incident

    The unfortunate incident occurred during half-time at City’s home game against Brighton when news broke about the demise of Sir Bobby Charlton. A small number of individuals engaged in chants that were condemned by the club and considered highly disrespectful.

    Suspension and Investigation

    Manchester City wasted no time in responding to this disgraceful behavior. The club swiftly identified the two minors responsible for these vile chants through their thorough investigation process. As a consequence, they have suspended both individuals from attending any future matches, whether they are held at home or away grounds.

    Greater Manchester Police Involvement

    To ensure appropriate legal actions are taken, Manchester City has shared the details of these individuals with Greater Manchester Police who will handle further investigations into this matter. This collaborative effort is vital to maintaining respect within football communities and punishing those who engage in such behavior.

    Potential Sanctions and Bans Process

    Once Greater Manchester Police concludes its ongoing investigation, it will be up to Manchester City to enforce official sanctions against these offenders. While the specific nature of these sanctions has not been disclosed, it is evident that the club takes such incidents very seriously and will not tolerate any form of disrespect or inappropriate conduct within their fanbase.


    The actions taken by Manchester City demonstrate a strong commitment to maintaining integrity and respect within football. By swiftly identifying and suspending those responsible for vile chanting following Sir Bobby Charlton’s death, the club sends a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated. The collaboration with Greater Manchester Police further emphasizes the severity of this incident, ensuring justice is served. Football clubs must continue to take a firm stance against disrespectful conduct in order to maintain the spirit of fair play and honor.

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