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    17 June 2023

    MotoGP rider Marquez opts for caution in sprint race due to insufficient reward for the risk.

    Unfortunate Day for Marquez as He Struggles to Keep Up at Sachsenring

    The MotoGP contest at Sachsenring proved to be a disappointment for Honda rider, Marc Marquez. With three crashes during qualifying, he managed to secure only the seventh position on the grid.

    Although starting off strong and briefly holding fifth position during the sprint race, Marquez’s luck took a turn for worse when he faded down to eleventh by the end of it. This marked his first-ever failure to win any kind of MotoGP contest held at Sachsenring.

    Tough Qualifying Practice Leads To Risky Sprint Race For Marquez

    Marquez was quite candid about his performance after qualifying practice stating that “the balance was not enough” to justify taking risks that could result in poor results. After experiencing some early moments of instability during the sprint race, he opted to back off and just focus on making it through till the finish line.

    When asked if finishing was all that mattered in this Germany sprint race, Marquez replied with characteristic candor saying: “Yeah, basically yes.”

    Bike Set-Up Issues Plague Several Riders Including Marques

    “It’s too much; it’s a lot,” said an exasperated Marc as he analyzed his performance post-race adding that just trying hard wouldn’t cut it anymore. To get anywhere near leaders like Mir or Pol Espargaro would mean having to take unnecessary risks which might result in more crashes than wins – something Honda riders can’t afford to do.

    Marquez’s Bike a Disaster Everywhere during Sprint Race

    During the sprint race, Marquez was constantly struggling with his bike set-up. Honda had taken some risks in an effort to improve rear grip which only ended up making things worse for the rider.

    “This race I cannot evaluate well, especially because we did a change for the race, just taking a risk because yesterday I was struggling a lot for rear grip,” he explained.”And doing that change we lost more rear grip and turning. So, the bike in the race was a disaster everywhere.”

    The Real Situation: Pushing Limits Doesn’t Pay Off

    The eight-time world champion made it clear that pushing hard wasn’t going to cut it anymore as far as performance on Hondas were concerned – something he learned after crashing four times over one weekend during Jerez.

    “I remember sitting on my sofa watching Jerez when Joan Mir crashed four times during all of practice fighting for 15th place; so, it’s not about wanting to be there but trying hard without getting any results is pointless.”

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