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    17 June 2023

    Zarco takes a dig at Marquez’s comments after FP2 incident – warns him to be careful while speaking.

    Johann Zarco responds to Marquez’s blame for Sachsenring crash

    Frenchman Johann Zarco thinks it’s wrong that Marc Marquez is blaming him for their collision during the second practice session at the Sachsenring. During FP2, Marquez lost control of his Honda and crashed into the side of Zarco’s Pramac Ducati. Although both riders were unharmed, their bikes were damaged.

    “Losing a bit of control when he speaks”

    Marquez later pointed fingers at Zarco accusing him of not paying attention while riding and causing the accident. However, both riders agreed that there was nothing wrong with the pit exit itself, drawing comparisons with a similar incident between Pol Espargaro and Danilo Petrucci in 2016.

    Zarco believes that it was just a racing incident which can happen even if both riders would have preferred to avoid it. He said that he had been waiting outside before leaving the pit lane but then saw a big group coming towards them as they approached Turn 1.

    I lifted up my bike a little bit more and he hit only my bike and not my legs or feet,” says Johann.” First thing, he could have at least come when I was on the floor.”

    Zarco also added “I like how Marc rides and pushes himself but in this case, I think he is losing control when speaking now.”

    Ridiculous Blame Game?

    Johann Zarco, Pramac Racing

    “He should think twice before speaking because just having the idea to say that it is my fault, this is not acceptable. I’m a nice guy and he can’t put the blame on me because I’m a nice guy. It happened in another big accident three years ago [in Austria 2020 with Franco Morbidelli].”

    Zarco concluded by saying that Marquez could have at least said sorry after the crash instead of blaming him for everything.


    The incident between Johann Zarco and Marc Marquez during second practice session at Sachsenring has caused some controversy among fans and experts alike. While both riders were unharmed in the collision, their bikes suffered significant damage.

    Zarco believes that Marquez is losing control when speaking about the incident while pointing fingers at him for causing it. He thinks it was just a racing incident which can happen anytime even if both riders would have preferred to avoid it.

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